Walking with Christ and Powerful Affirmations

If you know me then you know that I’m not, by any stretch of the imagination, fit or in shape. I’m in the process of trying to change that. These last few weeks have seen me fall and pick myself up many a time. I try, I surrender to fatigue or temptation, and before you know it, my choices are inconsistent with my goals and I’m off the wagon. But the best part is, it hasn’t been a crushing fall, so to speak. I’ve just picked up where I left off as soon as I am in the right frame of mind, without any negativity toward myself (as I have frequently done in the past) and I keep chuggin’ along.

So tonight, while my daughter, Zoe, went to her ballet class, I walked around the neighborhood of the church building they use for dancing. It’s situated on a really high spot. So much so that you can see the cross from quite a distance away. It was dark by the time we got there but it was a full moon tonight, so it wasn’t too bad.

I set off with my music player (I still use my old Nokia phone which has over 1300 songs as my music player. Sad, huh? 😉 ) and walked toward a street that I knew would bring me back without any detours. It was a considerable walk for me but I decided to be brave and just give it a go.

I can’t begin to express how much I loved having the full moon within my view as I began my walk. I listened to the amazing music from favorite movie score by Graeme Revell and Thomas Newman. I didn’t want frantic – I wanted inspiring. 

Then, as I rounded my second corner some five minutes later, and in response to some fear that it might be unsafe to go walking at night, I imagined that the Savior was walking near me. I felt better already. I had a prayer in my heart and I was sticking to well-lit residential streets, so I knew I was doing my bit to stay safe.

About ten minutes in, I started to become more aware of my body and its movements. I remembered the scripture that spoke about how the Light of Christ is the light ‘which…proceededeth forth from the presence of God to fill the immensity of space– The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things.’ (Doctrine  and Covenants 88:12-13) and I became more aware of the air going into my lungs, the beating of my heart, the workings of my muscles, the coolness of the breeze passing through my nose, and caressing my skin on this beautiful Spring evening. I found myself drawing greater enjoyment from the pursuit than I had imagined, simply by being aware that the Savior was involved in every aspect of it. I felt a wonderful sense of connection with Him as I marched on.

Then came the incline in the road, and my unfit body began to protest. I decided to focus on the fact that this part of the street was the most illuminated part I had come across so far, like extra light for the hardest parts of the trek. And this happened several times – the hardest parts seemed to be better lit. I love the spiritual parallel, that when we face the hardest part of our journey, we receive the greatest light if we pay attention to and focus on it.

I reached the last the corner I had to turn and then I would have the rest of the way back, which was just under the halfway mark. It was all a straight road, but a few challenging inclines and the distance was quite significant. But, it was at this corner that the view turned spectacular. As I mentioned before, the area was quite high so I had an unobstructed view of the landscape stretching out in front of me. As the stars peppered the sky above me, the lights from homes appeared to reflect the night sky. And the glorious full moon bathed the rooftops and treetop -and even me!- with her bright beams. My spirits were lifted and I soldiered on.

It was getting harder and harder to keep going but I knew I had to. And in that instant, I remembered something very specific from my Patriarchal Blessing that talked about leaden feet that would forever keep moving and I felt an overwhelming gratitude to my loving Father in Heaven for such specific blessings that not only apply spiritually and figuratively, but ofttimes, quite literally. With that thought, I kept going, and before you knew it, I could see the steeple signalling that had arrived at my destination.

I had not quit. I had persevered and was rewarded with a wonderful burst of serotonin to boost my health and happiness. Not only that, I’d had a very spiritual experience as I felt the loving grace of a perfect Savior and knew that I was known to Him and loved of Him, and that he had my very best interest at heart.

I feel wonderful. I feel blessed.


How do you involve the Savior in your daily life? Please share your thoughts.